Sunday, February 3, 2013

LLMT Work Party 02.03.13

Good turn out, dirt was moved. Rebuilt the entry into a rutted section. Berm reshape, and armor. Small drop at first berm exit. Retune of second berm.

Monday morning edit: Apparently the Super Bowl was yesterday. The best part of Super Bowl Sunday? With the exception of one AR15 purring in the distance somewhere, the forest was eerily calm from a lack of the usual gunfire from all directions. Super Bowl Sunday - the day the assholes park their freedom defenders and stay home to yell and cry at their televisions. If only everyday were Super Bowl Sunday.

Dude. Awesome. What happened, dude?


  1. HA, Im glad that was caught on camera, I need to learn how to keep rubber side down. Great day, this trail is coming together in a wonderful way

  2. Nah. You are doing fine. Good day out there.

  3. awesome shots jim! and thanks every one for hard work and dedication, may the future lines be golden!!! (btw, jim i'm stealing your top shot, cause it's over the top killer)
