Sunday, December 7, 2014

Red Army Recon

Various sections of red trails Slide trail and Twin Peaks trail today.
Nice and balmy out there with the ever classic winter fog over the low lands and sun above The Y. Good to get out of Oly Proper for some CF UV.

Grease. Roots. Rocks. Puddles. Steep(ish). Fun. 

 View from C8200 south to Helens and the
Bucoda coal plant steam stacks - Go Solar.
And please don't judge me for that water bottle location - only option.


 Twin Peaks Trail

Entrance to new Slide Trail from C4000 
This will be a ripping piece of double track once it gets ridden in. It is not currently connected to the old slide trail, but a quick downhill bush-whack off of the road below got me there.

Noski Slide  

Grand Daddy on Old Molly Porter 3 (Slide Trail) 

#classic #mollyporter3 #loveclay #green