Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Palisades? Maybe? No...?

Just because you can read the map does not mean you know where you are going. Case in point. Last week we attempted to ride the palisades loop out in the Snoqualmie Baker National Forest. Upon looking at the map and see finding a loop in the appropriate area that LOOKED like it should be about the 20 miles that the palisades is, we dropped in. 43 miles and 11k of elevation gain later we realized we were wrong. (I was wrong)  

After an hour and a half or so of climbing this was a welcome sight. 

I've ridden up here twice now, and both times this little vista earned a stop and see. I don't foresee a trip that doesn't stop here. Sunny or cloudy its breathtaking. 

High alpine goodness. Nothing like elevation stunted trees. Trying to ride at close to 6000' is harder then I thought it would be. 

Just take the moment.

And back. Summer loam is good loam. All loam is good loam. #Singletrackporn. 

The fog chased us into on of the best descents I've ever had the fortune of holding on for dear life on. 

So this is right after we zigged where we should have zagged and left the trail we intended to be on. We should have figured it out, the drop on the right was the kind that you dont want to fall off. 

It was tough to resist the temptation for a dip. 

This little zone eared some off trail hike a bike action. 

Lost lake was worth the trip in and of itself. The little mineral infused lake was tucked deep in and required a little loamy excursion to reach. 

Heres another one

Oh look at that. One more. 

That way. 

The bridges where slick and for some not worth the risk that far away from civilization. 

More trail porn

Transition glamor shot. #yousponsoredbro?
This happened. 

And this was the climb for about 15 miles. Yeeehaw!

Dude, more lakes. this just kept happening. 

Almost done, just a four mile road decent left. After finaly reaching the camp ground we found out that what we had just ridden was a bikes no bueno hiking trail. Explains the hellish climbs. But we finished, and it was awesome. This ride will go down as one of the most epic that I have ever done. 


  1. Nice ride. I seem to occasionally get lost and end up on some sweet hiking trails from time to time too. This experience here far exceeded the Palisades. You can pretty much close the book on 410 now. Nice work.

  2. fun stuff! roots style mtn bike experiences we all long for = nice work!
