Sunday, June 30, 2013

Cascadia Dirt Cup

So. For a guy that thinks about mountain biking more often than is probably healthy or "balanced", not being able to make it to a rad event can be tough to deal with. Fortunately I do end up with some vicarious satisfaction through the "on event" text messages and loving photos keeping me updated on my fellow local shredder's statuses. I am sure a more official ODC/CDC photos and report will be coming, but until then here are some results and an endearing photograph.

The Hand Jamey Poelker - 2nd  Expert Old Men
Foot out flat out Cam Sloan - 13th  Expert/Open
My tires went flat because I still ride Schwalbe Matthew Seeman - 4th Children and Kittens
I am a real Dr Daniel Myers - 3rd  Studs and Stallions
I ride a real AM bike Erin Roe - 1st Heavy metal educators of America
Pre-riding is for the prepared Lee Peterson - 23rd Should have gone to MIT instead I got this jersey