Saturday, July 14, 2012

FNSDS: 2nd, again

Second place, again. First loser? Always the bridesmaid, and never the bride? Consistent? Yes. Yes. Yes.

This year's times:
7:31/7:31 - 2nd
7:10 - 2nd
7:16/7:16 - 2nd

Some eerie consistency there. Both nights where the times were the same for both runs, I felt exhausted and squirrely on the first runs and then smooth and strong on the second - with the exact same time for both...... I must not be pushing hard enough on the second run. Gitty up. Most importantly - a Super D race every Friday night, 25 minutes from home? It does not get any better than this. Thanks to the volunteers who make this event happen.

Last week the course was dry, and pretty much perfect. This week the course was a little wet in the trees with a few muddy spots, but generally very good. The LLMT crew has continued to refine the trail, tweak features and knock back the ever persistent brush. The run gets better every week. 

My goal is sub 7:00 by the end of the series. I keep threatening to do some interval and sprint work, but I am easily distracted by Tofutti Cuties and an evil YZF. This week. I mean it. Maybe.

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