Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mach Valley USA

An 8 day tour led The Graham Family from Oly to Bend to Boise to Idaho City to Mecca - Sun Valley USA. This was was my first trip to Sun Valley. Sun Valley to me has always just been the name of the ski area where Warren Miller lived off of cat food and ski bummed in the 50's, and then recently some short videos by Greg "Chopper" Randolph. The search for sunshine led us from a rainy Oregon to Idaho. Sun Valley it is.

We were not disappointed, in fact our expectations were far exceeded. The quality, variety and scale of the trail riding here is off the charts. There is no Goats Gully here, but there are enough 30+ mph  descents to die by dehydration through eye watering to last a lifetime. And not only is the weather SUNNY SUNNY SUNNY and the trail riding exceptional, but the people of Ketchum are so friendly and helpful you have to wonder if they are priming you for membership in a cult, or maybe a pyramid selling scheme. Either way, I'm in.

Some highlights of the trip -
Scarlett learned to ride her pedal bike off road, and can now stand up and pedal
Being joined by our good friends and nomadic mtb souls Natty and Trey
Overeating at the best pizza place in the universe - Wise Guys Pizza
Discovering the Clover Coffee Brew at Starbucks
Finding our future home town

Here is one very long video(kinda like the descents there), with lots and lots of Black Sabbath. Please click the link. Not sure why I can't get Blogger to host Contour videos... 


1 comment:

  1. YES! Good Times indeed!
    Lewis & Clark look so young and happy.
